Many property agents who are less able to get the listing. Opportunity to live handle the buyers. Ability to understand the buyer will be stabilized, and the achievement of a transaction that can be achieved. To understand the needs and wants of the buyer depends on the questions that compiled.
Most buyers do not have a clear picture about the property he wanted. Moreover, for the first time to buy a house. For those who have been buying property is a decision that needs to be done with caution.
When a property agent is not capable of directing and expressing the desire and needs of consumers, through the questions, buyers will be confused and hesitate in taking decisions. Offers made too low, to avoid the risk expansive and one location.
Most buyers increasingly see the location of the more confused. Property agents are also tired and bored with the buyers. Reviewing the location of more than ten locations with different, sometimes, for months, according to property agents do not understand and direct costuming.
The following questions as we reduce the cost of property agents. Efficient in our time and buyers.
* Where is the location that Mr. / Mrs. want? Make sure buyers mention a specific location, not random.
* What is the approximate price of the property sought? Answers will provide an overview Buyers recognize areas or not.
* How extensive land and building needed? Answers will show Buyers understand enough about the needs or not.
* How long does Mr. / Mrs. have been searching houses in the area?
* When Mr. / Mrs. plan to occupy the new house? Answer showed seriousness and urgency.
* Who will occupy the new house later? Answers showed how big the opportunity buyers will soon bid.
* How many houses that have been reviewed in the area? Perhaps we will offer, are also reviewed.
* What is already bidding for a house that had compiled?
* Is Mr. / Mrs. interested with the payment through bank / Home Ownership Loan?
* Is Mr. / Mrs. is the installment plan Home Ownership Loan? Give the table installment credit interest rate applicable.
* When the location of the review will be done?
* Is Mr. / Mrs. willing to locations together (our car buyers to join)?
Still many questions can be asked questions to speed transactions. A good preparation before meeting with the buyer needs to be done, if we want to succeed in selling.
Congratulations to try.
Yafet Kristanto