Selling is asked. How skilled agents property in question will determine their ability generate listings and transactions. Below is a collection of questions that should be asked an agent before he was able to understand the finances.
* By the way how Mr. / Mrs. market this house?
* According to Mr. / Mrs. whether the ads can bring a prospective buyer?
Telephone * How have contact?
* How many people who contact the property agent?
* How many prospective buyers who have been to see?
* How many people serious?
* Is the prospective buyer has a serious bid?
* Is Mr. / Mrs. dealing with brokers?
* How many people have contacted the broker?
* How does Mr. / Mrs. determine the selling price?
* Is Mr. / Mrs. consider the price of other homes that are sold this region? Does Mr. / Mrs. have the data?
* Is Mr. / Mrs. data have already sold a home in the last 6 months this region?
* Is Mr. / Mrs. able to distinguish the candidates with serious buyers who are not serious, or that evil?
* Is Mr. / Mrs. heard how fraud that often overrides the home seller?
* Is Mr. / Mrs. agents know the properties of the contact Mr. / Mrs.?
* Did Mr. / Mrs. way to distinguish the property agents who are not professionals in that? That have offices / individuals that?
* Is Mr. / Mrs. know the risks associated with property agents who have not known / office without the brand?
* Is Mr. / Mrs. has been associated with the previous property agents?
* Is Mr. able to distinguish how a property agent "open listing" compared with the "exclusive listing"?
* Is Mr. / Mrs. understand the benefits associated with the "exclusive agent" in marketing the house?
* Is Mr. / Mrs. know how to work the network agent property?
* What is the network of agents working properties can be effective when marketing is done "open"? How the "exclusive", whether the network work effectively?
* What is different agents of the professional brand with a diverse?
* How do I choose a property agent who worked with a broad network and effective?
* How do I choose a property agent experienced in the location of the house of Mr. / Mrs.?
* Is Mr. / Mrs. been waiting buyers who do not come according to the promise?
* Is Mr. / Mrs. ever get a false telephone number of prospective buyers?
* Is Mr. / Mrs. met the broker pretending to be buyers?
There are still many questions that other ways of thinking to change the prospects listing.exchage perspective on the role of agents in marketing properties of the house.
That will come I will give questions to prospective buyers.
Hopefully useful.
Yafet Kristanto