Several times a property agent to be victims of crime, from fraud to expropriation. Usually, the risk arises when the agents are marketing the prospective buyers. Marketing needs to be increased vigilance, although still with the hospitality. Marketing should not meet with the prospect that a new buyer calls, and have not met in the office. Special marketing to women should be more vigilant.
Note safety tips that need to be this:
1. Know your prospects before the meeting or the promise of a quiet place. House or an empty shop, for example. First met in the office, or in the office of the buyer, can also in the house.
2. Do not dress my intention to invite evil, light and wear jewelry.
3. When your car with a prospect, should stick to you.
4. Note the car do not run out of fuel, mobile phones do not low-paddle.
5. When met at the location of empty houses do not let you come alone, ask for help hansip / satpam location in the car to guard and escort.
6. Crimes can not be predicted, if there is not feeling comfortable immediately contact a friend, spouse, relatives tell where you are.
7. Have a code notice to the office to ask for help, for example, when marketing call from the location, and ask? Red map stored?, Leaders must send assistance.
8. When reviewing an empty house or property should not be in marketing the property, prospective buyers who enter first, you are in between the door and prospects.
9. When met at the offices of marketing, ask for the name and ID card / SIM to the photocopy, describing it as a review procedure before the office location.
10. For the marketing of women can have weapons splasher contains mrica if deemed necessary.
11. Marketing should hold open house accompanied by other marketing.
12. Prepare? Speed dial? in the mobile phone for emergency situations.
This goal is not to frighten marketing, but that we better be careful.
Author: Yafet Kristanto